Delivery Information

Guidelines for Delivery

We from the Velloceri Team aim to provide great care for the packages we deliver and make sure we arrive ass allocated in our Business Timings. 
However, due to the unexpected number of countries having sudden changes in market values, shipping costs are not standard. Hence you must abide by the following Rules to avoid any Financial Loss during the Refund Process.

The Important Rules

As per the Ordering Facility in-store, you can order a Car while giving your email address and the Location of the Shipment. After we get notified about your order, we will send an Invoice to your account where we collect the Shipment Fees, if you do not want to pay for the Delivery Fees, the order will be cancelled and YOUR REFUND WILL LOOSE 2% OF THE MONEY SPENT ON PURCHASE.

How to Avoid the Scenario

Unless you are from the US, UK, New Zealand or Australia, we collect the Shipment fees. To not lose any Money while ordering, We Highly recommend you use Telegram to Order, to not lose any Money during the Refund. This is also to receive Information for your Shipping and Ordering very quickly. 

We Sell Emotions, and definelty not Cars
                                            -The Velloceri Team :)

When ordering, the buyer agrees that the name on the Invoice will be his and ownership doesn't change

Reselling Cars or changing Ownership to an Unrelated person without an Invoice or a signed Testimony of the Car's owner is considered Illegitimate. So is reselling the Car for a higher price.

Forgery of the Invoice is a Punishable Offense, kindly contact us if you want to change the Name of the Buyer.

The following Rules are created to Prevent Theft. If a Theft of your product occurs, please report to the nearest Safety Department with a Printed Invoice, as WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE A REFUND IF YOUR PRODUCT IS STOLEN AFTER RECEIVMENT.