The following Information is Important. Please go through them before Purchasing your Product

Read Before Purchasing

What form of Ordering should you use?

We Highly Recommend using Telegram Exclusive Ordering to not lose any Money during Refunds (You lose 2%).

Do we Ship to India & Middle East?

The Shipping Costs to Deliver to those Countries are high, but you can message the Sales who will reply in a few Business Hours, to get special delivery services.

Why are there no additional Payment Methods?

Our website currently doesn't support Additional Payment Methods. You can Contact us Via Telegram to pay with Card in the Contacts Page.

How to pay with VISA or Master Cards?

Our website supports only PayPal. But you can Telegram us from the Contacts Pages and we will send you an Invoice where you can pay with VISA or CARDS.

Why are my Orders Cancelled

If you are from the Places where our shipping costs are high or we don't ship there, the orders will be cancelled. Please keep an Eye on your Mail to Track your Order.

Important Shipping Policy

After Placing the Order, we will mail you an Invoice for Shipping Price, if you are not willing to pay, send us a message through Telegram in our Contacts Page and we will cancel the order for you.